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Do you want to grow your online business in the Facebook World?

Then Facebook marketing is your sure way there.
we help grow business through facebook advertising.


If You are Not Advertising Your Business On Facebook In 2020, Then You’re Sure Leaving Money On The Table!


With over 1.7 Billion daily active users, Facebook remains an incredible opportunity for local businesses to take advantage of.


Whether you own a clinic or run a beauty salon, all your customers are currently  hanging out on Facebook.


And with our proven Facebook advertising strategy, we can locate and put your offer and services right before their face!


We will convert your Simple Profile to

a Power Profile with the following components:


Profile Picture

TThe profile photo should attract attention and stand out from the rest, reflect your personality and be consistent with the rest of the profile.




The cover image should clearly define what you do, who you serve, and what your mission is. You should also offer something of value to your visitors, with a call to action.


Featured Images

They should direct visitors to the link in the description, in addition to reinforcing the message of the cover image and being consistent with the rest of the profile.


Biography with Link

The biography is an important starting point for targeting followers. It should include a clear call to action with an emoji pointing to the link.


Link to your Funnel

Creating a funnel from the beginning is critical. Create a Lead Magnet, capture their emails and direct them to a Landing Page with a link to your offer.




It is the first post that visitors will see when they enter my profile. Always visible in the first place on my wall. It must have a good title, your story, lead magnet and call to action.

The Transformational program

that will turn your Facebook profile

into a machine to generate

Connections, Contacts and Buyers.

Facebook, apart from being the largest social network in the world, is also:

The one with the highest percentage of buying users (77%).

Beating Instagram (63%), Twitter (50%), Pinterest (29%) and obviously Tik Tok (28%).


The world’s biggest social media platforms


Facebook remains the world’s most widely used social media platform,

but there are now six social media platforms that each claim one billion or more monthly active users. 

Four of these seven platforms are owned by Meta.

Furthermore, 17 social media platforms have at least 300 million active users in October 2022:

#1 Facebook has 2.934 billion monthly active users

Its Either You Get Your Business Online Or Your Competitor Will Beat You At It


Brands like Samsung, Amazon, and even Microsoft spends millions of dollars on Facebook advertising every single year…
And guess what, these budgets are constantly on the rise because it works!

Essential Facebook statistics and trends for 2022

Why Facebook…?

Facebook had 2.934 billion monthly active users in July 2022, placing it 1st in our ranking of the world’s most ‘active’ social media platforms.

However, data published in the company’s most recent investor earnings report shows that Facebook’s monthly active users have fallen slightly over the past three months.

The total number of people that use Facebook each month decreased by roughly 2 million (-0.07%) in the three months leading up to July 2022.

These latest figures indicate that roughly 36.8% of all the people on Earth use Facebook today.

However, because the company limits use of its platform to people aged 13 and above, Facebook’s ‘eligible’ use rate will likely be even higher than these figures suggest.


…Not To Shock You But Even Google Advertises On Facebook Don’t Be Left Out!

26% of Facebook users

who clicked on ads reportedly made a purchase.

42.2% of people like or follow

a business page so they can get exclusive offers.

57% of consumers say

that social media influences their shopping..

Facebook marketing offers flexible and directed targeting options.

So you can target your audience based on age, gender, income, interest, location etc.

LookAlike Audience With the facebook lookalike targeting option,

you can Reach People Similar to those Who Have Converted on your Adverts before.

Cheap and Affordable Despite the flexibility with Facebook advertising,

you can still set up ads campaign with as low as a 5$ budget


But wait a minute!

Using such a massive and flexible system can’t be anywhere near easy.

The learning curve is just too wide!… learning will require so much time, energy, a huge budget, testing, optimize and retest…


And not so many persons can scale such a curve!


Even freelance facebook ADS guys out there can’t give you a guarantee that their campaigns are always profitable…


And if not profitable, of what use would it be??

Fortunately, we can help you!

Yes! We can help you scale your business using Facebook advertising beyond what you’ve ever thought possible!!

We’ve been doing this for years and have helped

so many businesses like yours scale up remarkably. When it comes to Facebook advertising, experience counts and that’s why we boast of numerous happy and satisfied clients whose businesses we’ve grown.

We have developed a winning facebook advertising strategy

we implement exclusively for our client. Through thorough and rigorous testing added with our wealth of experience over the years, we’ve mastered the art of running profitable facebook campaigns.

Facebook changes every day and we’ve learned to change with it.

With our team of Facebook ad experts, we are constantly researching, testing and optimizing our strategy to ensure we are up to date and deliver massive ROAS for all your marketing campaigns.

We speak with numbers... numbers...

...measuring the power of content, growing audience and customers.
Galactic Profiles
Galactic post
Friend Prospect

5 POWERS of ORGANIC TRAFFIC on Facebook Group. Authority, Post and Sales.

... in 100 Niches and 100 Languages.

Feacebook for Sale - Bussiness Profile Creation


Professional Profile Photo


Call to Action, Bussiness Cover


List: Best Groups for your Niche


Campaigns Creation Leads=Sales


Daily Content -Post & more..


FB Artificial Intelligence Power 

6 reasons why my Facebook posts don’t go viral


1. The title is not catchy enough.


2. The content doesn’t provide something of value to users.


3. The content is not relevant to your target audience.


4. Your post does not include images or videos.


5. The content is not easily shared.


6. You are not using proper tags or hashtags to reach the right audience.

Don’t play in that TEAM,

are you ready to make a CHANGE?

Ready to take advantage of this game changer?

Awesome! Contact us today…

click the button below to request a quote.



Send us an email
[email protected]

Visit us someday
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

> Send us a message by Whatsapp or by Email <



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Como Tocar la GUITARRA sin conocer las NOTAS

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13 PASOS para Tocar la Guitarra como un Profesional

que te catapultarán a nivel Intermedio en 24 horas!

🎉 Te tenemos una GRAN SORPRESA del otro lado…

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